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Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines for AEDEAN Conferences

1. Abstracts are to be submitted in either English or Spanish. The same contribution can only be submitted to one panel. Please remember that authors can submit two contributions at the most. The same applies to ebook papers.

2. Length

Conference contributions:

Papers: abstracts (400-500 words, excluding title, references and keywords). It should state objectives and aims, theoretical framework and methodology, analysis, structure and linguistic correctness, results and conclusions.

Round tables: abstracts (2,500 words maximum, excluding title, references and keywords)). The proposal should include both the individual abstracts (400-500 words each) and an abstract by the chair on the development of the round table (summarising previous research, setting the scope of the presentations and including open questions to engage with the audience).

Workshops: abstracts (400-500 words, excluding title, references and keywords) should state the practical component of the presentation.

Please remove personal details from your submission, and include references to multiple authors like this: author 1, author 2, etc.

Information about Ebook papers (applicable after the AEDEAN conference):

Contributions should not exceed 3,000 words for papers (150-word abstract, notes and bibliography included) and 1,500 words for summaries of round tables and workshops.

3. Format

Conference contributions:

Abstracts will be submitted following the template available on the AEDEAN website. The text should be submitted single-spaced. Use Times New Roman (12 point). Place the title at the top and centre of the page on which the text begins. Capitalize only the first letter of the first word and all other significant words (nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs) as well as proper nouns. Always capitalise the last word. Do not use period after titles. References should follow the guidelines of the Chicago Style (please check _Atlantis_ website, if in doubt).

Ebook contributions (applicable after the AEDEAN Conference)

Contributions will be submitted following the template available on the AEDEAN website.

4. Submission (this applies to 47 AEDEAN Conference contributions)

Authors must submit their contribution (.doc, .docx files) using the template provided on the AEDEAN website accompanied by the following, if necessary:

  • A PDF file for the abstract in case you use special characters.

  • If the author wishes to apply for 'Catalina Montes' award, s/he is required to submit proof of status (PhD candidate or Doctor within the same year of the AEDEAN Conference).


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Please be assured that you have followed the template available on the 47 AEDEAN Conference website.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.